What does HackerNews think of gesetze?

Bundesgesetze und -verordnungen

I've thought about this (as an outsider who doesn't know anything) and wondered if plain old git would do the job. I've heard Germany already does this, but when I looked at https://github.com/bundestag/gesetze it didn't look like this was representative of what I would assume to be the full extent of German legislation.

In theory, you probably wouldn't find lobbyists contributing directly, but you could find representatives and then link them to lobbyists they've associated with.

There is a project doing exactly this for German law.[1] I also once cobbled together a rather primitive Python script which commits Swiss federal law as MD-file into a repo through GitHub actions.[2]

[1] https://github.com/bundestag/gesetze

[2] https://github.com/quadratecode/ch-law-tracker

The District of Columbia uses Git to track law changes as well.


Similarly, the entire German Federal law can be found on Github:


It has happened before. Some examples are:

- German federal law and regulations: https://github.com/bundestag/gesetze

- DMCA takedown notices: https://github.com/github/dmca

- Map of US districts: https://github.com/benbalter/congressional-districts

- a novel: https://github.com/JJ/hoborg

- a well-known textbook on some niche (homotopy type theory) in mathematics: https://github.com/HoTT/book

- fonts: https://github.com/theleagueof

- Gregorian chants: https://github.com/CMAA/nova-organi-harmonia

Main collaboration functions on a 'repository' (or any set of data / documents that somehow belong together) such as forking and branching are not just only relevant to programming.

(edit: formatting)

thomasbachem noted german laws and regulations are already there at https://github.com/bundestag/gesetze, with an amazing org avatar: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/1994383

A quick github search indicates that Taiwan's laws might also be there at https://github.com/victorhsieh/tw-law-corpus using the https://github.com/g0v/twlaw exporter, Japanese laws seem to have been uploaded at https://github.com/riywo/law.e-gov.go.jp but just be a crawl/dump of law.e-gov.go.jp

All German federal laws and regulations are here: https://github.com/bundestag/gesetze

I do especially like the GitHub avatar: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/1994383 ;)

The law isn't just what's on the statute book, it has to be read in the context of case law (at least in jurisdictions that use a common law system), which evolves over time and can vary based on the individual facts of the case.

That said, things like that do exist - the UK's entire statute book (well, almost) is available online,[0] free of charge and via a RESFTful API in machine-readable formats.[1]

Likewise, the German federal government publishes the law in XML, and there's even a markdown representation available on github.[2]

[0] http://legisltion.gov.uk/

[1] http://www.legislation.gov.uk/developer/formats

[2] https://github.com/bundestag/gesetze

I find it amusing that here in Germany, we have that for years:


All laws are available in XML, HTML, PDF, etc. The site also provides an RSS feed.

In addition, some enthusiasts regularily download stuff from there and apply those to a Git repository:


That way, this repository contains not only the current laws, but also the history of how the laws developed!

For the Git repository, the XML version is not used directly, but converted to markdown. This produces very readable diffs:


Wouldn't it be cool if we could finally manage our laws of filing pull requests?

We actually have something similar in germany, called the "Bundesgit" (https://github.com/bundestag/gesetze)
There exists something similar for the German law:


Fully converted to markdown and the best:

  You are encouraged to open pull request. 
  Of course only valid legislation voted on by the
  Bundestag will be merged.