What does HackerNews think of yt-dlc?

media downloader and library for various sites.

Language: Python

#3 in Library
Indeed, "eska!"

& Here are the two (most widely known-to-date) ports of "youtube-dl": "yt-dlp" and "youtube-dlc"

However; in order to avoid any issues. For both, you're gunna want to completely uninstall "youtube-dl" and remove any remnants of it from your system.

To do so, For those using Linux, start by removing the "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl" directory; Then, if found on your system, remove "/etc/youtube-dl" too.

For those using Windows, uninstall "youtube-dl" entirely by removing the "youtube-dl" directory found in your "\Program Files\" folder, manually using explorer or via the command prompt. (Or which ever directory that your installer or build had previously installed "youtube-dl" to).

Finally, now you may being your journey--to the PROMISE LAND!


Go ahead and now install one of the following "youtube-dl" ports (Installation instructions are included in the documentation provided by both forks)

I) https://github.com/blackjack4494/yt-dlc & II) https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp

Cheers! x()x()[email protected]__O.o

this is why it was forked a bit before the takedown, youtube-dlc contains fixes not in main youtube-dl. the guy who forked it tried to help but got banned from posting and helping out.


as of last youtube-dl version, the main youtube-dl behaves differently if you simply point it to a youtube channel, while youtube-dlc behaves as you'd expect... i keep both around for now.

> I hope that the DMCA takedown issue can be resolved reasonably,

I don't think it can be solved on Github.

"GitHub’s CEO suggested that YouTube-DL won’t be reinstated in its original form. But, the software may be able to return without the rolling cipher circumvention code and the examples of how to download copyrighted material."


This pretty much makes youtube-dl useless, since the "rolling cipher" is just downloading the same bit of js, inspecting it, and executing it, almost the way a web browser does (AIUI, the difference is that yt-dl inspects the js and picks out the function to run from it instead of just running it all verbatim). This counts as circumvention according to the DMCA, which leaves yt-dl little legal standing in the US.

Also note that the "examples of how to download copyrighted material" in the yt-dl tests were just code for getting the first few bytes of a number of RIAA-sequestered music videos. Small excerpts are usually allowed under Fair Use. The RIAA didn't really look into that detail.

On the plus side, this fork is active and not DMCA'ed, for now. I just turned to it because I needed a fix for Bandcamp that upstream yt-dl doesn't have:
