Just get the standalone yt-dlp from github and occasionally update it with yt-dlp -U since Google constantly tries to interfere with the download mechanism.

Indeed, "eska!"

& Here are the two (most widely known-to-date) ports of "youtube-dl": "yt-dlp" and "youtube-dlc"

However; in order to avoid any issues. For both, you're gunna want to completely uninstall "youtube-dl" and remove any remnants of it from your system.

To do so, For those using Linux, start by removing the "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl" directory; Then, if found on your system, remove "/etc/youtube-dl" too.

For those using Windows, uninstall "youtube-dl" entirely by removing the "youtube-dl" directory found in your "\Program Files\" folder, manually using explorer or via the command prompt. (Or which ever directory that your installer or build had previously installed "youtube-dl" to).

Finally, now you may being your journey--to the PROMISE LAND!


Go ahead and now install one of the following "youtube-dl" ports (Installation instructions are included in the documentation provided by both forks)

I) https://github.com/blackjack4494/yt-dlc & II) https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp

Cheers! x()x()[email protected]__O.o