What does HackerNews think of cljs-devtools?

A collection of Chrome DevTools enhancements for ClojureScript developers

Language: Clojure

> The very first tip I see is "Customize the way objects look" which is ok... cool you can do that, is this where it should start?

I mean, why not? It's not all for fun and giggles, it's actually a very useful feature, I use it a lot when working with data structures I've created myself (which are ultimately usually Objects in the JS world, but custom algorithms for get/set/sort and so on) and I want to render them differently in the console.

Another real-life example of it's usefulness is https://github.com/binaryage/cljs-devtools which formats Clojure/Script data structures into a more useful format when printing them to the console. It literally uses that feature: https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Abinaryage%2Fcljs-devtools...

Did you use Clojurescript Dev Tools? https://github.com/binaryage/cljs-devtools

Whilst Clojurescript may not solve all of your JS problems re-frame is certaily an advance over React + Redux. In fact David Nolen and Clojurescript have had a big influence on the development of React.js since Peter Hunt first introduced it.

Fighwheel and cljs-devtools (https://github.com/binaryage/cljs-devtools) makes working with ClojureScript very ergonomic. The regularity that re-frame brings (knowing where all data resides and exactly what can change it) makes it even nicer.
Selling macOS apps at https://www.binaryage.com.

TotalFinder.app sales is what allowed me to work on my own projects full time. This is what I personally define as a success. I own 100% of my time and stuff I create.

Since introduction of macOS system integrity protection sales have been poor. But luckily I made enough in previous years so I have pretty long runway to build something new.

If you are interested how it got started you might want to read my blog posts from 2009 - 2011: https://blog.binaryage.com

Have been investing heavily into Clojure(Script) tools and libraries over last 2 years:

I think that cljs-devtools [1] also deserves honorable mention. Not only does this improve console output, but it improves inspection while doing interactive debugging (e.g., pause on exception) in Chrome.

[1] https://github.com/binaryage/cljs-devtools

Good points. I started with ClojureScript earlier this year and I agree with your article. But for me ClojureScript is still much better option than staying in JavaScript land. Performance will be solved over time with faster machines (I've purchased high-end iMac recently, so I don't feel such pain :-). Workflows for incremental compilation like Figwheel also help a lot. And I think there is a great promise that tooling will evolve quickly.

I'm the author of cljs-devtools. I think for development it is perfectly fine to use Chrome Canary. Also I would recommend you to check out this article: https://github.com/binaryage/cljs-devtools/wiki/Figwheel-REP....

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