What does HackerNews think of mySIMBL?

:package: Plugin manager for macOS

Language: Objective-C

#83 in macOS
I also miss the icons for drives showing up in the finder window sidebar. Now, all drives' icons are ignored and replaced by generic, OS-assigned icons. Rather than having a visual cue of what to click on, one must read the name. Seems trivial, but it sucks and I hate it.

A couple projects tried to keep the sidebar icons alive using mySIMBL (1) and later MacForge (2) but they've sadly all been abandoned. (I think.) They never really worked all that well, requiring finder-rebooting and various shenanigans to get them to run (if memory serves.)

(1) https://github.com/w0lfschild/mySIMBL (2) https://github.com/MacEnhance/MacForge

SIMBL lives on mostly thanks to w0lfschild, see: https://github.com/w0lfschild/MacForgeFramework. This repo hasn't been updated since 2018; I'm not entirely clear whether the most recent versions of MacForge is still based on SIMBL.

The SIMBL on my website uses an unmodified SIMBLAgent binary taken from an older version of w0lfchild's mySIMBL (https://github.com/w0lfschild/mySIMBL). However, I recompiled his SIMBL.osax with 32-bit support added back in, since I use a lot of 32-bit apps: https://github.com/Wowfunhappy/MacForgeFramework

Quick note that I don't really understand this code, I can just tell you that it works, at least on Mavericks.

> I stopped using Safari after a few minutes because they decided to not show favicons on tabs anymore and you can't enable it at all.

On Sierra, you can reenable favicons with MySIMBL [1] and SafariStand [2].

[1] https://github.com/w0lfschild/mySIMBL [2] https://github.com/anakinsk/SafariStand