Hey all, author here, I'm flattered this made it to the front page! You might also enjoy:

• Me getting modern Unity games to run on Mavericks: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/414688/how-can-i-r...

• Me kind-of sort-of getting Mavericks to install on a slightly-too-new Macbook Air: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/402726/how-can-i-a...

I'm currently running Mavericks on a Hackintosh with an i7-4790K a GTX 780 6GB. I wrote some more details on how I arrived at this point, and other things I tried, down-thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31206278

No one has asked about security yet, which always seems to come up. My feeling is that (1) my computer is behind a router with up-to-date firmware, (2) I'm using an up-to-date web browser, (3) I'm relatively careful about what software I install, and (4) I regularly back up my data to cold storage. There are absolutely gaps, but in exchange for this small risk, I enjoy using my computer much more than I would otherwise.

Fun stuff! I'm wondering where the updated source for SIMBL is kept. I know the author and he was surprised that people have continued to build on it!
SIMBL lives on mostly thanks to w0lfschild, see: https://github.com/w0lfschild/MacForgeFramework. This repo hasn't been updated since 2018; I'm not entirely clear whether the most recent versions of MacForge is still based on SIMBL.

The SIMBL on my website uses an unmodified SIMBLAgent binary taken from an older version of w0lfchild's mySIMBL (https://github.com/w0lfschild/mySIMBL). However, I recompiled his SIMBL.osax with 32-bit support added back in, since I use a lot of 32-bit apps: https://github.com/Wowfunhappy/MacForgeFramework

Quick note that I don't really understand this code, I can just tell you that it works, at least on Mavericks.