What does HackerNews think of og-image?

Open Graph Image as a Service - generate cards for Twitter, Facebook, Slack, etc

Language: TypeScript

Thanks! Not to discourage anyone from using Vercel services if they’re interested (y’all are doing great stuff on this and lots of other fronts), but! I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out the unpublished-but-MIT-licensed repo I could find.

For anyone else who’s curious it looks like the pertinent source[1] can be self-hosted. I’m on mobile so I’m gonna limit my peering into the source, but it appears to wrap Chromium to do the PNG generation. Quite a bit different from my solution (which takes SVG-producing JSX and anything producing CSS, and renders to PNG with Sharp).

I’m curious how much overhead using Chromium adds, and whether alternatives like Sharp were considered.

1: https://github.com/vercel/og-image

That sounds a great side project, since some developers might prefer a static svg dynamically created via url like boringavatar.app/[username here].

There's some prior work on this: e.g. https://github.com/lfades/static-tweet and https://github.com/vercel/og-image.

This looks like a great product! Can I ask you want sets you apart from other services in this market like Vercel's og-image [0] or other more marketing-heavy sites that let you have more control and customization?

Also, I'm really curious what this will cost when you release it as a service? What do you think something like this is worth to people? Is it like a $20/year service or like $1,000/year? Are you going after mostly consumers and indie devs or big corporations?

[0] https://github.com/vercel/og-image