This seems really cool, but I don't understand the use cases. Someone help me out?

You can basically use this to generate Open Graph images programmatically for your websites really really fast (1-2ms)!

Here's a blog post detailing how this works (using @vercel/og):

Is the SVG->PNG portion of the show handled by Satori as well, or separately as a part of the Vercel service? Asking because I’ve got code handling that part for this exact use case, which I’d be happy to either eliminate if I can use Satori, or I could clean up and open source my own solution if people would find it useful.

The SVG -> PNG part is handled by @vercel/og. Specifically, it uses Vercel Edge Functions + WebAssembly to handle generating images at the edge.

Thanks! Not to discourage anyone from using Vercel services if they’re interested (y’all are doing great stuff on this and lots of other fronts), but! I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out the unpublished-but-MIT-licensed repo I could find.

For anyone else who’s curious it looks like the pertinent source[1] can be self-hosted. I’m on mobile so I’m gonna limit my peering into the source, but it appears to wrap Chromium to do the PNG generation. Quite a bit different from my solution (which takes SVG-producing JSX and anything producing CSS, and renders to PNG with Sharp).

I’m curious how much overhead using Chromium adds, and whether alternatives like Sharp were considered.
