What does HackerNews think of onedev?

Self-hosted Git Server with CI/CD and Kanban

Language: Java

#20 in Docker
#10 in Kubernetes
Since some comments are talking about alternatives, I'll leave this here: https://github.com/theonedev/onedev

I found out about it on a previous HN thread.

It can do automation, one of the missing points from Gitea.

Onedev ("Self-hosted Git Server with Kanban and CI/CD") specifically states that they're doing this: https://github.com/theonedev/onedev
This, and the many trivial CVEs that were discovered in Gitea made me look for alternatives. I think that right now the best free and OSS solution is https://github.com/theonedev/onedev. It even has CI/CD built-in which is cool!
You may also want to include onedev [1][2] in your exploration (https://code.onedev.io/) if you also need good CI/CD integration.

My experience (as a user) has been pretty good, though I was not involved in the adminstration/setup related aspects but I have been told it doesn't require a lot of maintenance effort.

[1] https://github.com/theonedev/onedev [2] https://code.onedev.io/

I have been following OneDev and seems like it is going to be a good contender.


Checkout https://github.com/theonedev/onedev for a serious self-hosted git server, with CI/CD baked in.

From a user of OneDev:

>> As an open source project, it is too good to be true

Congrats on SourceGraph. Hoping to see more innovations you brought to code search area. For users wanting an integrated experience of code search, self-hosted git repositories, issues, and CI, here is another alternative:


Checkout the demo here:


Press 't' for quick symbol search, and 'v' for advanced search with regex support.

You may also hover mouse over a symbol to find its declarations and usages.

Glad to see google open sourced this. I also implemented code search in my open source project OneDev (https://github.com/theonedev/onedev). To try it, please visit https://code.onedev.io/projects/android-framework-base/. Press "t" for quick symbol search, and "v" for advanced search with regular expression support.

You may also hover mouse over a symbol to find its declaration and occurrences.