There were many positive changes, but what the fuck happens with all the breakages? Reserving usernames and such.


   "I want to use a regex to filter for valid mail addresses"
   "There is a function for that why not use that?"
   "Invisible unicode characters!"
   "That's not a problem in automatic mail verification"
   *ignore everyone*
Meanwhile is still open

I witnessed the split of gogs and gitea and while the maintainer of gogs was indeed rarely active and merged PRs very slowly, they at least examined the code and made a proper review with suggestions.

The gitea guys wanted to move a lot faster and in the process neglected quite a bit of code review and product planning. Apparently this continues to this day as evidenced by the PR you linked.

This, and the many trivial CVEs that were discovered in Gitea made me look for alternatives. I think that right now the best free and OSS solution is It even has CI/CD built-in which is cool!