What does HackerNews think of makesite?

Simple, lightweight, and magic-free static site/blog generator for Python coders

Language: Python

You referring to this? https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite

I have ported this to go for myself. Works really well for my use.

Thank you for sharing the link to the source code. My simple site generator is based on my wife's project makesite.py[1]. In fact, I used her site generator for a few years. Later I reimplemented makesite.py in Common Lisp. As a result, it inherits the design, layout, minimalism, and simplicity of makesite.py.

[1] https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite/

> But don't let this convince you that all static site generators must be complex.

Indeed! For example, https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite is a simple and lightweight static site generator written in Python. It can be customized easily by modifying the Python source code and adapting it to one's needs. I like that when I need a new feature, I can add it quite easily by writing a few Python functions. It is meant to be programmer-friendly.

Disclosure: My wife wrote this project. I am just a happy user of the project.

I've been using makesite.py, which is ~200 lines of python, dumping the picture in a pics folder and then hand editing the markdown.

Maybe a few lines of code and template work would let you add a custom template that would automatically add a folder worth of images.


For my personal website/blog, I use the beautifully simple static site generator makesite.py.[1] For the other sites I've made, I've used WordPress or plain old no fuss static html/js/css.

[1] https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite

I wonder if you could save some time with some caching?

Find all posts related to "django", select the top 3, pin them as the related posts for all django entries? You'd trade out some uniqueness and slightly increased memory usage to gain speed.

(I just got started blogging and found https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite python static site generator worked well for me. Obviously you're probably a bit far in to switch horses by now.)

Static site generator in 130 lines of Python (excluding comments, docstrings, and blank lines): https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite

Disclosure: My wife developed this project.

> I'm probably the last person on earth to do so, but I write my posts in raw HTML.

Although I don't use Blogger/Blogspot anymore and I render my blog using a static site generator [1], I too write my posts in raw HTML [2].

In the past, the differences in how various tools interpret and render some of the corner case scenarios like nested lists, code blocks or blockquotes nested within lists, etc. caused issues in porting my Markdown files from one system to another. Granted, there is CommonMark now and I think it is a pretty good specification but it is not a standard like HTML5 is. I prefer standards, so that I know with a reasonable degree of confidence that what I write now would look the same 10 years from now.

[1]: https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite (Disclosure: My wife developed this project)

[2]: https://github.com/susam/susam.in/tree/master/content/blog

If you like writing Python code, I recommend https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite (makesite.py). As the README says, it is a simple, lightweight, and magic-free static blog generator. The entire static blog generator code is in a single file named makesite.py.

Add your content to the `content` directory. Then run `python3 makesite.py` to generate the static blog. It writes the generated blog to the `_site` directory. Finally copy this directory to wherever you want to serve your blog from, e.g., GitHub repo with GitHub pages enabled, virtual private server, cloud storage, etc.

It works pretty well out of the box and it is highly customizable too because doing so involves just modifying the existing Python code or writing your own Python code.

Disclaimer: This project has been written by my wife. I use it myself to render my static blog at https://susam.in/.

I have taken it a step further.

I started with Blogger (blogspot), then Medium, then Jekyll, then Hugo. Even with self hosted Jekyll/Hugo, I never felt comfortable about the tooling dictating how my directory structure should be.

Now I have my own static site generator written in Python. It is based on https://github.com/sunainapai/makesite that was posted to HN sometime back.

What I like about generating my blog with pure Python is that I can control every aspect of my blog just the way I want it.