Instead of a Wordpress Blog or something I'd go for something static. There is a couple of software solutions out there from everything to blogs to website. This has the benefit that you can be a lot more independent. As long as you have some copy somewhere you are fine. You can back it up easily and so on. If you use WP (and MySQL) a lot more things can go wrong. If the MySQL server, your wordpress can get hacked for some silly plugin you thought you needed, the hoster of it or whatever are unavailable you might lose it, you might lose your domain which can break stuff, you might forget to pay, etc.

The idea here is something that allows you quick recreation and copying. You can just copy over static files. You can put it on your Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. and even on your external hard disk or whatever backup solution you use.

Usually the main dynamic thing for writers is actually creating posts. So if that is some offline software that just spits out static files it becomes incredibly resilient.

One might think static site generators, like Hugo, but there is also GUI applications that essentially equal what the admin of a blog or CMS see.

Agreed - my most recent personal site was built using a hand-rolled static site generator (some basic templating using Python) - development is now super easy and it runs just fine as yet another thing on my $5/month VPS.

You referring to this?

I have ported this to go for myself. Works really well for my use.