What does HackerNews think of japronto?
Screaming-fast Python 3.5+ HTTP toolkit integrated with pipelining HTTP server based on uvloop and picohttpparser.
New kids on the block:
- Starlette https://www.starlette.io (function and class based routing)
- Vibora https://vibora.io (function based routing, no classes)
- Xweb https://github.com/gaojiuli/xweb (unusual routing system, should be possible to adapt to classes)
- Storm https://github.com/jiajunhuang/storm (similar enough to Tornado, has classes, but installation is complex)
- Responder http://python-responder.org (function-based, has classes only as code-grouping mechanism)
- Quart https://pgjones.gitlab.io/quart/
- Sanic https://sanic.readthedocs.io
- Bocadillo https://bocadilloproject.github.io/
- Japronto https://github.com/squeaky-pl/japronto
The old guard:
- Flask http://flask.pocoo.org
- Tornado http://www.tornadoweb.org
- Falcon https://falconframework.org/
- Bottle https://bottlepy.org
- Pyramid https://trypyramid.com/
- CherryPy https://cherrypy.org/
Less known older ones:
- Wheezy Web https://pythonhosted.org/wheezy.web/
- API Hour https://pythonhosted.org/api_hour/
- Morepath https://morepath.readthedocs.io/en/latest/toc.html [WSGI]
- Klein https://github.com/twisted/klein
- Weppy http://weppy.org/
New kids on the block:
- Starlette https://www.starlette.io
- Vibora https://vibora.io
- Xweb https://github.com/gaojiuli/xweb
- Storm https://github.com/jiajunhuang/storm
- Responder http://python-responder.org
- Quart https://pgjones.gitlab.io/quart/
- Sanic https://sanic.readthedocs.io
- Bocadillo https://bocadilloproject.github.io/
- Japronto https://github.com/squeaky-pl/japronto
The old guard:
- Flask http://flask.pocoo.org
- Tornado http://www.tornadoweb.org
- Falcon https://falconframework.org/
- Bottle https://bottlepy.org
- Pyramid https://trypyramid.com/
- CherryPy https://cherrypy.org/
Less known older ones:
- Wheezy Web https://pythonhosted.org/wheezy.web/
- API Hour https://pythonhosted.org/api_hour/
- Morepath https://morepath.readthedocs.io/en/latest/toc.html
- Klein https://github.com/twisted/klein
- Weppy http://weppy.org/
https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r14&hw=... has some interesting benchmarks, apparently we should be using Dart or C++. Go does slightly better than JS but not a lot. Some newer Python frameworks aren't on there yet. None of them reach near 50k, but I don't know the details of the benchmark and they aren't all using the same DB. Certainly you can get crazy numbers depending on what you're testing. e.g. https://github.com/squeaky-pl/japronto gets one million requests per second through async and pipelining but those requests aren't doing much.
Which is silly considering a majority of wild browsers now support HTTP/2.
Thanks for pointing our the repo, I missed it before: https://github.com/squeaky-pl/japronto
His Go isn't horrible, but it could be written like this:
func hello(respWtr http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
text, status := []byte("Hello world!"), http.StatusOK
if request.URL.Path != "/" {
text, status = []byte("Not Found"), http.StatusNotFound
Rather than: https://github.com/squeaky-pl/japronto/blob/master/benchmark...Also, limiting Go to use a single core is unfair because the Go GC is optimized for multi-core operation.