>wrk with 1 thread, 100 connections and 24 simultaneous
Say what? When I do this kind of testing using wrk:
1. I use multiple clients
2. Each client uses a thread for every logical CPU
3. I usually use at least 256 connections
What is actually being tested here? This smells like a test to get a desired result.No to mention in regards to Go/Others:
1. He is using an RC
2. By default it uses all all cores, why handicap it?
3. He didn't share his code for his contestants, how can I trust this?
The contestants are in the repo. One core is used "to be fair" (the Python stuff only uses one core). But the test, yeah. What's being tested is the presence of pipelining :D
>What's being tested is the presence of pipelining :D
Which is silly considering a majority of wild browsers now support HTTP/2.
Thanks for pointing our the repo, I missed it before: https://github.com/squeaky-pl/japronto
His Go isn't horrible, but it could be written like this:
func hello(respWtr http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
text, status := []byte("Hello world!"), http.StatusOK
if request.URL.Path != "/" {
text, status = []byte("Not Found"), http.StatusNotFound
Rather than: https://github.com/squeaky-pl/japronto/blob/master/benchmark...Also, limiting Go to use a single core is unfair because the Go GC is optimized for multi-core operation.