What does HackerNews think of sqlcipher?

SQLCipher is a standalone fork of SQLite that adds 256 bit AES encryption of database files and other security features.

Language: C

> Cloud sync (encrypted!) is important because your average user needs that convenience and durability of authenticator

Local-only iOS+macOS Codebook sync (open-source encrypted! by SQLCipher) provides password and TOTP convenience, durability, transparency, decentralization and fewer supply chain dependencies with one-time purchase. Founded in 2005.



They encrypt the DB via SQLCipher: https://github.com/sqlcipher/sqlcipher

Not sure how reliable and resilient SQLCipher is but that might (significantly?) increase the risk for a bug/corruption to occur. And the encryption certainly makes the analysis more difficult (while, at least on GNU/Linux, I don't see any advantage as the encryption key is stored unencrypted in ~/.config/Signal/config.json - not sure if other Desktop platforms support secure keystores like on Android and iOS). I briefly tried to analyze my corrupted DB but quickly gave up as I'm not familiar with SQLCipher and basically only got a generic "Error: file is not a database" error message when trying to decrypt it (and there's no plaintext header IIRC so it looks just like random data).

I also had multiple backups of the SQLCipher DB that I could successfully access manually but I was unable to use them for Signal-Desktop (not sure if this was due to some other Electron DBs/state, the stateful Signal protocol, or something else - IIRC the only hint was the "Database startup error: Error: SQLITE_NOTADB: file is not a database" message that didn't really help much).

The "officially blessed" (my wording) encryption for SQLite is SEE (proprietary):


There are third party encryption approaches for SQLite. One of the most popular is SQLCipher:


Those two don't have compatible file formats. eg no interoperability

Not sure if any others do, but yeah it would be handy if there are.