WebAuthN is great, but I can't help but feel that Passkeys are actually a step backwards.

At least on iOS, there is no way of preventing them from being synced to iCloud, which is the opposite of what I want for high-stakes credentials like bank accounts or government e-signatures.

I've tried to raise [1] a related issue (i.e. the inability for relying parties to opt out of credential syncing, if not an explicit requirement to opt in to it) to the W3C WebAuthN working group, but it seems like the working group itself is strongly pro cloud synchronization as well.

Today, Google has sent me an email about their intention to deprecate their (device-bound) iOS authenticator in favor of (iCloud-synchronized) Passkeys, and I guess I'll begrudgingly have to switch to using an external FIDO authenticator instead.

[1] https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/1714

How is this different than a password manager with encrypted cloud backup? Your recourse if someone breaks passkeys is legal, not technical. Security must be a balance with functionality, and this is a huge improvement over passwords. (Tangentially, it would be great if we got cryptographic digital identity cards like Estonia has for signatures but that’s more of a long term goal)

Cloud sync (encrypted!) is important because your average user needs that convenience and durability of authenticator.

> Cloud sync (encrypted!) is important because your average user needs that convenience and durability of authenticator

Local-only iOS+macOS Codebook sync (open-source encrypted! by SQLCipher) provides password and TOTP convenience, durability, transparency, decentralization and fewer supply chain dependencies with one-time purchase. Founded in 2005.

