What does HackerNews think of postgres-wasm?

A PostgresQL server running in your browser

Language: Shell

#30 in PostgreSQL
> forcing SQLite

It might be the case that it's running SQLite via wasm. If so, then other database engines would need to be runnable in a browser too.

PostgreSQL has been shown to work in the browser (eg https://www.crunchydata.com/blog/learn-postgres-at-the-playg..., and also https://github.com/snaplet/postgres-wasm), so that might be an option.

Not sure about others.

Hey! Peter from Snaplet here. This is really exciting stuff. We created the OSS postgres-wasm (https://github.com/snaplet/postgres-wasm) example a few weeks ago. An idea I'm playing around with is something like:

  1. Visit https://postgresql.com/try?version=14.x
  2. Visit https://nodejs.com/try?version=16.15.1
  3. Visit https://edit.com
Edit.com opens a text-editor and terminal where I have access to the NodeJS binary and a connection string to PostgresQL. Want Redis? Open a new tab at https://redis.com/try, where the connection string will appear in the edit.com tab.
Peter from Snaplet here. A month ago I saw the CrunchyData post and wanted to play around with the code that made it happen, it wasn't OSS so I asked for help:

> If anyone out there wants to work on an open source version of this full-time please reach out to me. [0]

Paul reached out and we started working on it almost immediately. Check out the repo here: https://github.com/snaplet/postgres-wasm

We have a blog post about some of the interesting technical challenges that we faced whilst building this: https://www.snaplet.dev/post/postgresql-in-the-browser

Like most things, this is built on-top of the amazing open-source projects that made this possible, but special mention goes to v86.js and buildroot. We just glued it together.

My hope is that we as a community can own this project and make PostgresQL, and the software that runs on it, accessible to a larger audience.


[0] Request for collaboration: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32500526