Great idea, SQL is an undervalued skill


I did this exercise:

The specification says:

> Clownfish are between 3-7 inches in length, weigh around half a pound, and live in the coral reef.

around half a pound is meaningless, the spec should be exact.

It was annoying having to scroll from the input at the bottom of the page to the specification at the top of the page to refer to it.

The test cases are insufficient. I only wrote this:

> select *, CASE WHEN species_name = "clownfish" AND length NOT BETWEEN 3 AND 7 AND weight != .5 AND habitat_type != "coral reef" THEN "imposter" ELSE "not imposter" END imposter_status from marine_life;

And passed the check at the end.

I didn't like that it kept track of the number of syntax errors and how long it took me to finish, that doesn't seem conducive to learning/practicing.

There seemed to be a lot of preamble to get to the challenge page. It seems like those should be linked directly from the homepage.

The format button didn't work on my code above.

Syntax highlighting seems broken for some functions, like IIF.

It would be nice if multiple SQL dialects were supported, forcing SQLite makes this more of an exercise in 'translate the dialect you know into SQLite'.

I didn't love the challenge I did overall, it was a single CASE statement, which seems to be testing logic more than any SQL knowledge. Maybe because it's a warmup?

> forcing SQLite

It might be the case that it's running SQLite via wasm. If so, then other database engines would need to be runnable in a browser too.

PostgreSQL has been shown to work in the browser (eg, and also, so that might be an option.

Not sure about others.