What does HackerNews think of graphql-query-complexity?

GraphQL query complexity analysis and validation for graphql-js

Language: TypeScript

#20 in GraphQL
I have been writing GraphQL APIs on and off for the last 5 years, and in practice haven't had many scenarios where this was an issue.

In GraphQL the query for the example you gave could look like this

  query {
    user {
      things {
        owner {
When resolving an array of type `Thing` for the `things` field, you would query for the user that the `owner` field represents. Rather than assuming all relations should be loaded for an owner by default, the client would specify the fields for the `owner` that it needs. Such as I have above for the owner id. Even if no fields are specified, it would be weird to assume all relations should be loaded by default.

Now if your developers are intentionally creating infinitely deep queries, then you'd solve this the same way you'd solve an infinite loop in your code today. An issue you would catch during development or CI/CD. This can be easy to catch using a linter or during review.

  query {
    user {
      things {
        owner {
          things {
            owner {
              things { } # etc
To simply protect from bad parties / developers, you might use something like https://github.com/slicknode/graphql-query-complexity

In addition you could introduce CI tools to enforce your devs stop writing such complex queries. Also see the @skip and @include directives that can further be used to control what data is queried. In practice, however, this isn't something that comes up too much. In cases where I have seen this happen, it's usually because a developer is trying to reuse fragments without considering what data they are querying, and whether they should be reusing those fragments.


There are a few libraries that calculate complexity or cost of a GraphQL query, e.g., [1][2]. We think that differences of our approach are that we extract more diverse characteristics, allowing for a wider array of management policies, and that we explicitly decouple management from the backend implementation. In consequence, our approach works irrespective of the programming language used for the GraphQL backend, prevents malicious requests from even hitting the backend, reduces backend load, and lifts developers from having to integrate cost / complexity calculations themselves.

[1] https://github.com/pa-bru/graphql-cost-analysis [2] https://github.com/slicknode/graphql-query-complexity