I never understood why people go for graphql.

In my experience, it's a nightmare to 1/ secure 2/ version 3/ ensure qos

Securing it properly should make it a no-go in like 95% of cases. you get amazing flexibility on the front end with a heavy heavy cost on the backend. Also, in general being able to say "i want to do whatever" and request everything at once is an anti-pattern IMHO, especially after HTTP2 became mainstream and doing multiple requests is reasonably fast.

Versioning? Forget about it. Now you have "all the versions" and good luck figuring out what is used, what is not used or god forbid deprecate something. you're going to have a bad time.

As far as qos goes, if any client can range from "i'm asking a simple thing" to "i would like the whole world please - and btw you're only going to figure things out as you pull them in" qos becomes a pipe dream.

Last, I don't understand what Netflix does that is so complex that would warrant something like gql. I just don't. To the naive developer in me it seems that they 1) need to have a basic api to get whatever catalog they have + a few apps build on top of that 2) have figured out how to do streaming exceptionally well in order to scale to all the people watching. That's is and although a gross oversimplification I cannot think about a scenario where gql is needed.

I think in their desire to reinvent the wheel Netflix has jumped the shark. A lot of really good ideas have come out of the innovation they did in the past but lately it seems like they are doing things for the sake of doing them or they are pissing people off with password household policies and whatnot.

Going to reply here because, as a huge fan of GraphQL, I strongly disagree with every single one of your points. To start, I think the biggest misconception I see about the value of GraphQL is people see it as some sort of generic "query language", which is unsurprising, given the name. If anything I think the biggest problem with GraphQL is that, if people just saw it is a simple alternative to REST, with a well defined set of query (GET) and mutation (PUT/POST/DELETE) endpoints, they wouldn't get caught up in all this "infinite object graph" stuff that I never hit in my day-to-day.

To your points:

1. I find GraphQL to be fantastic for security, primarily because all calls are strongly typed, so you can ensure by the time a request gets to your resolver it is guaranteed to match the defined input types. Furthermore, I always make heavy use of custom scalar types instead of String, which allows me to get rid of a whole host of potential security issues by limiting potential injection attacks before my code even sees it. As far as ensuring object ownership/permissions, this is trivially easy, or in any case just as easy as with REST.

2. Versioning is one of GraphQL's greatest strengths. The tooling makes it easy to deprecate some fields while adding replacement ones in a way that guarantees backwards compatibility. Far from "good luck figuring out what is used", the tooling e.g. in Apollo makes it very easy to see which clients are making use of which fields. Furthermore, if you do need to "hard version" a new endpoint, you can do it similarly to REST by including a version parameter in your URL (e.g. /v1/myGraphQLEndpoint).

3. Regarding qos, this again just gets to my original point about having well defined queries and mutations. Your queries don't need to say "allow me to see the world" any more than any other API framework. It's not hard to just have queries that only say "give me X by ID" and also a single bulk retrieval endpoint where you define the boundaries of what you want to return.

If anything, I think perhaps a lot of misconceptions around the problems of GraphQL have to do with these tools that basically say "expose my whole DB with GraphQL", which in my experience usually leads to tears in the end.

But starting with a thoughtful definition of your API surface area with GraphQL's type definition language can make it a joy to use and provides lots of benefits over a straight RESTful interface.

> if people just saw it is a simple alternative to REST, with a well defined set of query (GET) and mutation (PUT/POST/DELETE) endpoints, they wouldn't get caught up in all this "infinite object graph" stuff that I never hit in my day-to-day.

Can you explain this more? How can you avoid infinite graphs? If I have User {things: Thing[]} and Thing {owner: User}, you have to deal with this issue.

I have been writing GraphQL APIs on and off for the last 5 years, and in practice haven't had many scenarios where this was an issue.

In GraphQL the query for the example you gave could look like this

  query {
    user {
      things {
        owner {
When resolving an array of type `Thing` for the `things` field, you would query for the user that the `owner` field represents. Rather than assuming all relations should be loaded for an owner by default, the client would specify the fields for the `owner` that it needs. Such as I have above for the owner id. Even if no fields are specified, it would be weird to assume all relations should be loaded by default.

Now if your developers are intentionally creating infinitely deep queries, then you'd solve this the same way you'd solve an infinite loop in your code today. An issue you would catch during development or CI/CD. This can be easy to catch using a linter or during review.

  query {
    user {
      things {
        owner {
          things {
            owner {
              things { } # etc
To simply protect from bad parties / developers, you might use something like https://github.com/slicknode/graphql-query-complexity

In addition you could introduce CI tools to enforce your devs stop writing such complex queries. Also see the @skip and @include directives that can further be used to control what data is queried. In practice, however, this isn't something that comes up too much. In cases where I have seen this happen, it's usually because a developer is trying to reuse fragments without considering what data they are querying, and whether they should be reusing those fragments.
