What does HackerNews think of AutoRaise?
AutoRaise (and focus) a window when hovering over it with the mouse
I'm not sure they appeal to the same group of users. macOS is IMNHO much worse than GNU/Linux with a proper window manager, much less comfortable to use with multiple desktops, and forces the use of a mouse/trackpad way too much.[1]
The m2 can run Linux - but external display support is probably a long way off.
So for the user wanting to run Linux - m2 isn't really viable - unless you actually work on it with just the built-in screen - for me that doesn't work ergonomically.
I have the m2 - it's not terrible - I suspect I'd prefer one of these.
[1] Rectangle and AutoRaise helps a lot, making the UX livable:
https://github.com/sbmpost/AutoRaise then, as mentioned before.
Although what you can't do (I think) is having (input) focus on a non-raised window, because that would break the focused-app-is-active-app-hence-menubar (because keyboard shortcuts) model imposed by the window manager.
Have you tried AutoRaise?