> Resize the system font

I thought Accessibility settings had that, but:

> I find the menu bar at the top too small.

So not system font, menu bar size relative to the rest.

Accessibility settings>Display>Menu bar size>Large

> Focus Follow Mouse

There used to be this, not sure if it works still:

    defaults write com.apple.Terminal FocusFollowsMouse -bool false
Otherwise apps like AutoRaise can achieve that.

> Change my mouse button order

USB Overdrive is a crazy good piece of software allowing that and more like full tracking speed and acceleration control, for any USB or Bluetooth input device (keyboards, mice, gamepads) either globally, per device, and/or per app.

> defaults write com.apple.Terminal FocusFollowsMouse -bool false

I've heard that ffm is available on Terminal. Cute, but I need it for every window and between apps.

https://github.com/sbmpost/AutoRaise then, as mentioned before.

Although what you can't do (I think) is having (input) focus on a non-raised window, because that would break the focused-app-is-active-app-hence-menubar (because keyboard shortcuts) model imposed by the window manager.