What does HackerNews think of rerun?
Log images, point clouds, etc, and visualize them effortlessly. Built in Rust using egui
https://github.com/rerun-io/rerun is such a great tool for creating interactive dashboards to look at real-time data. Curious if there are others looking for something like this and what the other use cases would be interesting. I have heard ideas like:
- A system for watching debezium populate topics in kafka.
- Quick exploratory telemetry dashboards.
Any others?
The creator of egui has founded a pretty cool company, and their flagship application is built entirely using egui: https://github.com/rerun-io/rerun
Have you seen emilk's own company, https://www.rerun.io/? All build on top of egui! Check out the webviewer on https://app.rerun.io/. It's all open source, https://github.com/rerun-io/rerun.