I think egui is complete enough to use in real apps. Layout can be a bit weird, but I haven't found anything that's impossible.
I might even prefer it for cross-platform apps since startup time is so slow for GTK on Windows.
The challenge with egui is the theme. It looks ok, but isn't good enough for a commercial business app for example. Also, I believe it lacks a webview, so if you are in a pinch the only thing you can do is create your own widgets without a way to cheat and embed some web content. I would agree for certain types of apps it may be "good enough" (science, gaming, medical perhaps...anything where the UI is secondary to the 3D viewport)
Have you seen emilk's own company, https://www.rerun.io/? All build on top of egui! Check out the webviewer on https://app.rerun.io/. It's all open source, https://github.com/rerun-io/rerun.