What does HackerNews think of 3270font?

A 3270 font in a modern format

Language: Python

#4 in Font
Is there a way to add programming ligatures to an existing font, similar to how Nerd Font patches existing fonts to add useful terminal glyphs like the Powerline symbols¹? I would love to have a ligatured version of that font https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font

1) the last sentence of the article implies that the author of the article abhor them as much as programming ligatures. I don't understand why but preference in taste, color, esthetic are not objective, nor absolute, so I am not the one to judge him.


Being distributed with Debian and downstreams, 11 years old, with 1.5K stars and 60+ forks is, by far, my most popular open source thing. My biggest shame is that it's not software, but a font that mimics the look of IBM's 3278-2 terminals.

And, of course, it's the font I use for terminals on all my machines.

Sorry, but no IDE comes with a proper 3278-like font. Not even IBM's Developer for z/OS comes with one (they commissioned that other font called Plex... who would take seriously a font named after a media player?).

Luckily, everyone can get one at https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font.

Note: shameless plug ;-)

The only repo I manage that's packaged in Debian is used by the packager as a base, but they work directly off a fork (https://github.com/kilobyte/3270font) of my repo (https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font) to generate packages. As far as I understand, Adam publishes many other packages and has an automated workflow for that. They end directly on Sid.
I'm missing the ancient IBM 3270*, which has strangely achieved a permanent status as my go-to font for (personal) monospaced.

* the modern, open source revival → https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font

It’s https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font. It’s a terminal font based on 70’s IBM terminals. It’s been used in art projects and on the cover of a magazine, and it’s offered packaged in the Debian and Ubuntu repos.
I think it depends on a font supporting them correctly. I’m using a zsh prompt that uses them and it seems normal. Check https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font and let me know if it helps. I was thinking of adding the powerline symbols to the test renderings.
Genuinely curious!

Are you talking about AFP fonts[1]? In that case Sonoran Sans Serif[2]? Then you should probably be happy with Arial[3]. Fun story[4].

Or are you talking about a 3270 font? Then you should have a look at 3270font[5]

[1] https://www-01.ibm.com/servers/resourcelink/svc00100.nsf/pag...

[2] https://www-01.ibm.com/common/ssi/cgi-bin/ssialias?subtype=c...

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arial

[4] http://idsgn.org/posts/sonoran-the-hidden-truths/

[5] https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font

...and then I saw the username i was responding to. I'll post anyway if you do not want to toot your own horn. Nice work!

I like 3270font, inspired on 3270 mainframe terminals: https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font
I have used it for testing on different Windows browsers, to check whether https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font would install correctly, and running some Windows software from my bank. The only time I needed the extensions was when I needed to reflash my Blackberry 10 DevAlpha (whose battery, sadly, is dead - I loved that phone)
I have friends who still say their program "abended".

Just a minor nitpick - the green screens we see today are also often descendants of the 3270 family as well as the 5250's that started life with the System/34 and found their way into the AS/400 and iSeries.

I had to nitpick because the 3270 is where this beautiful (shameless plug) font originated: https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font

This is beautiful and heart-warming. Thank you.

I use for terminal the classic IBM mainframe 3270 font [1], but I can replace that in a heartbeat with Unscii, which is more uniform and less OCR-y.

[1] https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font

Another shameless plug: I think the IBM 3270 (the ones with beam-spring keyboards) was the greatest terminal ever and I missed its screen font so much I had to recreate it.

It's now my most popular GitHub project and is included in the Debian repos:


The IBM terminals were a totally different story. A sans-serif, simple and elegant design, modern and yet timeless.

I reproduced the 3270's here: https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font

And their PC fonts were their ugliest.

No other font of theirs compares to their flagship mainframe terminal product https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font

(the original, pixel-by-pixel, is the one used in x3270, from which this was based)

Is there an easy way I can add my font? It doesn't seem to know about it.


Sorry, but nothing beats the good old IBM 3270 font.


For those who miss the 3270 terminals, I made this:


Won't turn your keyboard into a beam-spring one, but it still feels cool.

Shameless plug:

Also, not pixel-perfect and with many symbols absent from the original, is https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font.

Sadly, it never made it to the PCs, being confined to mainframe terminals.

I abandoned TLC's Halt and Catch Fire when the IBM 3033 started up with a black on white CGA font on a 3278. And, of course, booting into PC-DOS.

I made https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font for a reason.

My font package is not. I am curious as to why would that be. Can you give me a hand with that?



I'll add these (and the IBM-related symbols @kens mentioned, which are specially appropriate) to https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font for the next release (this weekend, I think - still lots of Cyrillic cleanup to do in the develop branch).

I'd fork it and add a sample of https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font (more like a terminal font than a programming one) if I had a Windows machine with Sublime Text on hand. Can you add it for me?
I use Tamsyn (6x12 on lower res screens, 7x14 on 4k monitors), http://www.fial.com/~scott/tamsyn-font/ but it's getting more and more difficult to use bitmap fonts these days. Firefox recently dropped support for them, gtk support is hit and miss.

Where I can't use Tamsyn I use https://github.com/rbanffy/3270font

I like fonts that are easily readable when small so I can get more screen realestate, and bitmaps are the best for that, but 3270 is pretty good as well.

As a retro-computing geek who had an early contact with IBM 3278 terminals, I am very fond of their font. So much, in fact, I recreated it based on earlier bitmaps that trace their history back to a student who copied it pixel by pixel from a real terminal. May not be your piece of cake, but you can try it:


When I can't use it, Terminus is a favorite. A long time ago I added a central dot to Luxi Mono's 0 and used it as my terminal font for a long time.