What does HackerNews think of sharpkeys?

SharpKeys is a utility that manages a Registry key that allows Windows to remap one key to any other key.

Language: C#

> Total commander isn’t FOSS.

I'm aware of that. There are lots of FOSS equivalents, though. Including, I believe, on Windows. Wikipedia lists 23 of which I think -- haven't checked -- the majority are FOSS.


> Ironically windows 11 can’t do vertical taskbars.

True. Easily fixed with Explorer Patcher, though. Which, ironically, is FOSS.

> And where in windows can you change the system shortcuts?

I don't use it much any more and stopped early this century, so my knowledge here may be out of date.

When I do, I use SharpKeys to put a GUI on editing the relevant registry keys for keyboard remapping.


In the NT 3.x era, it was the properties of every EXE's PIF file. So I set Crtl+Alt+(initial) to open my most used apps. Ctrl+Alt+D for DOS, E for Excel, W for Word, etc.

This still works with limitations under Win9x through to XP, which is when I jumped off the Windows ship.

But mostly it's about learning the many many built-ins.

Remapping Capslock to Control:

Windows: https://github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys

Ubuntu Linux (don't know about other Linuxes): /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc

    key  { [ Caps_Lock  ] };

    key  { [ Control_L  ] };
These solutions avoid needing to keep a keybinding application open. The Linux solution unfortunately resets after every version upgrade.
For a simpler solution I can recommend https://github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys. Of course AHK is great tool for all kinds of more advanced customizations.
For a more general solution, I prefer https://github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys on Windows.
That Softonic site is probably totally unrelated to the original developer. This is the legit site: https://www.randyrants.com/software/

It's also on GitHub: https://github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys

Better yet, use any keyboard you like, and remap (left) Windows to a different key code, ideally corresponding to some key that's not present on your current keyboard layout and that, unlike the Windows key, is fully remappable by AutoHotkey, in-game options, etc., using something like


Perhaps I'm missing something but isn't there already pretty much the same functionality available when you press just [Win] (instead of [Win]-[R]) and start typing?

> Keys will be remapped as long as the Keyboard Manager and PowerToys are running in the background, and you can swap individual keys and even Windows shortcuts.

Keys can already be remapped via a Registry entry under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout, which does not require anything running in the background, although this works for individual keys only.

There is even a great GUI utility to simplify creating the correct Registry entries: https://github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys

It's a registry edit, but SharpKeys is a small GUI for editing that part of the registry: https://github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys
SharpKeys [1] is the tool I've kept in my toolbelt to do this for several years now. (Though I swap capslock for an extra backspace or escape depending on mood and amount of Vim in my life at the time.)

[1] https://github.com/randyrants/sharpkeys

I use SharpKeys to automate the keymapping process on Windows.


One of the first things I install on any new system. Gotta have my Caps Lock->Escape.