Autohotkey is amazing, but I wish it used a saner language. I struggled to write a reliable golden ratio version of aero snap [1]. Dealing with different monitors, sizes, etc doesn't seem like it should be so hard, but I always get tripped up by the bizarre Loop syntax or silent failures from some simple mistake that suck the fun out and I give up.

I found ahk python module [2] but combining it with the keyboard module doesn't work as well as autohotkey as a hotkey listener.

[1]: [2]:

You know, that's part of what's been holding me back from using it for much besides remapping CapsLock to Control. Maybe it's time to sit down and write a Lisp DSL that compiles to it.

Remapping Capslock to Control:


Ubuntu Linux (don't know about other Linuxes): /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc

    key  { [ Caps_Lock  ] };

    key  { [ Control_L  ] };
These solutions avoid needing to keep a keybinding application open. The Linux solution unfortunately resets after every version upgrade.