What does HackerNews think of Quaternion?

A Qt5-based IM client for Matrix

Language: C++

#22 in C++
#159 in Hacktoberfest
#5 in Qt
> Meanwhile there have been exactly zero new F/OSS desktop apps for over a decade except IDEs and even those are mostly Electron-based. What a mess.

Er, that's just objectively not true. Here's exactly one new FOSS desktop app: https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion - I don't know how old it is, but it's a Matrix client and Matrix is only 8 years old so less than a decade.

3 days ago, I installed Haiku on bare metal: an old PC from ~2004. I was not aware that a new version was planned at that time, but the upgrade was completely smooth.

My idea when I installed Haiku was to make my own version of the "old computer challenge"[1], with an emphasis on using GUI apps.

Similarly to @probono (a FOSS dev), I also found Haiku "shockingly good"[2] at being a lightweight, responsive, easy-to-use desktop OS.

After some patching, I was even able to compile Tectonic[3], a modern LaTeX engine written in Rust, and Quaternion a Matrix client supporting E2EE[4]. All that running on a single core Athlon 64 and 1.5GB of RAM.

I posted some screenshots in a Mastodon threads if you are curious[5] (but my posts are in french sorry :/). And of course this comment is posted from Haiku!

[1]: https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2021-07-07-old-computer-challe...

[2]: https://medium.com/@probonopd/my-first-day-with-haiku-shocki...

[3]: https://tectonic-typesetting.github.io/en-US/

[4]: https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion

[5]: https://mastodon.tedomum.net/@tgoldoin/109554115997967651

Your UI complaints apply only to Element (the flagship client) rather than to Matrix the protocol. As others have said, there are other, less-flashy clients available (and others under development).

Some examples:

Quaternion: https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion

Hydrogen: https://github.com/vector-im/hydrogen-web

Nheko: https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko

There are a bunch of very promising native desktop Matrix clients in progress:

https://github.com/Nheko-Reborn/nheko as a Qt telegram-like

https://github.com/quotient-im/Quaternion as a Qt xchat-like

https://github.com/manuroe/messagerie for instance is a SwiftUI client proof-of-concept that should work on macOS as well as iOS

None are as polished as Riot functionalitywise, but we will get there eventually - even more so if people contribute.