What does HackerNews think of dirigible-spreadsheet?

Dirigible, the Pythonic spreadsheet in your browser

Language: Python

The concept of Python-based spreadsheets was explored by Resolver One[1], a defunct proprietary desktop app that was discontinued ~10 years ago[2].

It seems a web version of the app has been published in open-source[3] but that too has been EOL.

[1] https://web.archive.org/web/20120211201410/http://www.resolv... [2] https://www.resolversystems.com [3] https://github.com/pythonanywhere/dirigible-spreadsheet

There was a startup called Resolver Sytems pursuing this. They meanwhile abandoned it in favor of a different project but did open-source it: https://github.com/pythonanywhere/dirigible-spreadsheet
The ResolverOne spreadsheet was a normal spreadsheet program that wrote Python code under the hood. You could then add unit tests and validate your spreadsheet calculations. The company was sold but this web version https://github.com/pythonanywhere/dirigible-spreadsheet remains and is open sourced.

I also remember a project management tool that similarly wrote Python code under the hood. And then there is the Talend Data Integration toolkit which writes and compiles Java under the hood. There is a lot of this stuff kicking around these days if you care to hunt for it.

However I think that workflow systems like Apache Taverna and jBPMN are more useful. You still write chunks of code but the framework glues it all together in a flexible manageable way instead of creating a Big Ball of Mud.

There was Resolver One, which apparently got acquired by PythonAnywhere, which allowed Python scripted spreadsheets. It was AWESOME when I tried it, but tad too slow and no takers in the office because spreadsheets get passed around and need to be verified/rerun by people who do not know any programming. Even VBA at times.

Their OSS version is apparently still available at https://github.com/pythonanywhere/dirigible-spreadsheet (haven't tried it.)