I'm really confused as to what exactly this is, but it looks cool. It seems to be some kind of visual programming environment, which I'm usually against on principle (BOO non-standard binary formats! ASCII text is the closest we can get to future-proof, and thus what we should be storing our source code! Down with journald! you should know the drill by now...) But interesting ideas are always interesting, so I'm willing to look into it, even if I don't like the look of it.

How does a visual programming environment prevent an ASCII text representation? Counter example: Data flow programming, or even SVG diagrams. I can't think of an exact analog, but I'd be willing to bet there is a textual VPL out there. Sure you need a tool to support conversion to a GUI, it's a different way to think!

The ResolverOne spreadsheet was a normal spreadsheet program that wrote Python code under the hood. You could then add unit tests and validate your spreadsheet calculations. The company was sold but this web version https://github.com/pythonanywhere/dirigible-spreadsheet remains and is open sourced.

I also remember a project management tool that similarly wrote Python code under the hood. And then there is the Talend Data Integration toolkit which writes and compiles Java under the hood. There is a lot of this stuff kicking around these days if you care to hunt for it.

However I think that workflow systems like Apache Taverna and jBPMN are more useful. You still write chunks of code but the framework glues it all together in a flexible manageable way instead of creating a Big Ball of Mud.