What does HackerNews think of gostatic?

Fast static site generator

Language: Go

#84 in Go
#20 in Markdown
#5 in Jekyll
Well, here is mine: https://github.com/piranha/gostatic

Unfortunately it has no pretty documentation, only README on Github. On the other hand, Hugo seems to have a bit more hardcoded configuration, while gostatic was written with 'whatever you want' idea in mind and is (maybe, I just skimmed though Hugo docs) a bit more tech-savvy people oriented.

Anyway, it would be interesting to compare performance. :)

> Writing something like Jekyll in C would be an absolute pain in the arse, and totally not worth it.

Well, here you go: https://github.com/piranha/gostatic

Wasn't pain in the ass, wasn't hard, works so much faster than Jekyll (or my previous engine, cyrax, which was in Python), that it's even funny.