I got really frustrated with Hugo yesterday when I couldn't add a page with just a list of all my posts on it. I spent a few hours playing around with a bunch of different options, Hexo seemed to come the closest to something I could fire up and just drop my existing markdown in (though it did blow up on a youtube embedded player I had in one post).

Bearclaw does look super simple to get going, but seemed to be missing a few things I was hoping for:

  - No real documentation, so I copied my markdown files over.
  - Ran bearclaw and put the output in a web accessible location.
  - Went there and there was no index.html (though "home" on the "posts" page seems to link to it).
  - The "posts.html" page just has filenames, so it doesn't seem to pick up the frontmater.
It's definitely leaning in the direction I was looking for, but maybe a little too far. :-)
https://github.com/piranha/gostatic & https://github.com/getzola/zola are two other single binary alternatives.