What does HackerNews think of omicron?

Omicron: Oxide control plane

Language: Rust

#21 in API
> I think the question is how well they can do the management plane.


* https://docs.oxide.computer/api/guides/responses

See perhaps "This repo houses the work-in-progress Oxide Rack control plane."

* https://github.com/oxidecomputer/omicron

When we started the company, we knew it would be a three year build -- and indeed, our first product is in the final stages of development (i.e. EMC/safety certification). We have been very transparent about our progress along the way[0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7] -- and our software is essentially all open source, so you can follow along there as well.[8][9][10]

If you are asking "does anyone want a rack-scale computer?" the (short) answer is: yes, they do. The on-prem market has been woefully underserved -- and there are plenty of folks who are sick of Dell/HPE/VMware/Cisco, to say nothing of those who are public cloud borne and wondering if they should perhaps own some of their own compute rather than rent it all.

[0] https://oxide-and-friends.transistor.fm/episodes/holistic-bo...

[1] https://oxide-and-friends.transistor.fm/episodes/the-oxide-s...

[2] https://oxide-and-friends.transistor.fm/episodes/bringup-lab...

[3] https://oxide-and-friends.transistor.fm/episodes/more-tales-...

[4] https://oxide-and-friends.transistor.fm/episodes/another-lpc...

[5] https://oxide-and-friends.transistor.fm/episodes/the-pragmat...

[6] https://oxide-and-friends.transistor.fm/episodes/tales-from-...

[7] https://oxide-and-friends.transistor.fm/episodes/the-sidecar...

[8] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/omicron

[9] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/propolis

[10] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/hubris

Just to add some additional detail: the control plane (Omicron[0] -- named before the COVID variant!), the user-level portion of the hypervisor (Propolis[1]) and the storage subsystem (Crucible[2]) are all open source. And while our focus has been building them for our own product, we know that they are at least usable outside of Oxide![3][4]

[0] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/omicron

[1] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/propolis

[2] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/crucible

[3] https://artemis.sh/2022/03/14/propolis-oxide-at-home-pt1.htm...

[4] https://artemis.sh/2022/06/14/oxide-crucible.html

Speaking of interesting names, their control plane is called Omicron: https://github.com/oxidecomputer/omicron