I wish the Oxide web site had a little more detail on the software running on this. Does This use a custom hypervisor? If so what is it based on, and what are its capabilities?

We’re redoing the website, though I’m not sure if this specific information will be on it.

The host is using Illumos and bhyve for hypervisor stuff. I don’t work on that part of the stack personally so that’s the most detail I can give you.

Just to add some additional detail: the control plane (Omicron[0] -- named before the COVID variant!), the user-level portion of the hypervisor (Propolis[1]) and the storage subsystem (Crucible[2]) are all open source. And while our focus has been building them for our own product, we know that they are at least usable outside of Oxide![3][4]

[0] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/omicron

[1] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/propolis

[2] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/crucible

[3] https://artemis.sh/2022/03/14/propolis-oxide-at-home-pt1.htm...

[4] https://artemis.sh/2022/06/14/oxide-crucible.html