What does HackerNews think of horrifying-pdf-experiments?

:syringe: Stuff which works in Chrome and maybe Acrobat and Foxit.

Language: Python

Slightly OT, but you would be surprised at how much power PDFs have (especially when opened in Adobe Acrobat/Reader). I recently came across this monstrosity[1] on HN, and the author mentions this:

> Scripts can supposedly do things like make arbitrary database connections, detect attached monitors, import external resources, and manipulate 3D objects.

That's an unprecedented level of power for what is supposedly a simple document format.

That being said, PDFs are only a threat when opened in a with support for these obscure APIs, such as Adobe's own readers. You (probably) will be fine opening untrusted PDFs in Chrome's PDF reader (PDFium) and Preview.

[1]: https://github.com/osnr/horrifying-pdf-experiments

From the repository -

"Granted, most PDF readers (besides Adobe Reader) don't implement most of this stuff. But Chrome does implement JavaScript! If you open a PDF file like this one in Chrome, it will run the scripts."


Doesn't work in Firefox for me. Try in Chrome if this is all you see on the first page.

  Move your mouse down here!
  also, README below...
The repository for this seems to indicate this only works in Chrome and a few other PDF readers[0]. Perhaps the title should be updated to reflect this.

0. https://github.com/osnr/horrifying-pdf-experiments

Related: Horrible PDF experiments (play breakout in a PDF document)
