These blogs are not very good. Here is the PDF about this vuln.

I don’t know why security-conscious people would willingly load a PDF but there you go.

Are you saying PDFs are a threat? More so than a web page?
Slightly OT, but you would be surprised at how much power PDFs have (especially when opened in Adobe Acrobat/Reader). I recently came across this monstrosity[1] on HN, and the author mentions this:

> Scripts can supposedly do things like make arbitrary database connections, detect attached monitors, import external resources, and manipulate 3D objects.

That's an unprecedented level of power for what is supposedly a simple document format.

That being said, PDFs are only a threat when opened in a with support for these obscure APIs, such as Adobe's own readers. You (probably) will be fine opening untrusted PDFs in Chrome's PDF reader (PDFium) and Preview.
