What does HackerNews think of hurl?
Hurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text.
I'm one of the maintainer of Hurl [1], an Open Source project on GitHub. I work at Orange, a French telco company, and the project is under the company umbrella. So we don't have any "Sponsor" information, it's rather Orange giving back to Open source community.
I can keep working on it provided there are indicators of adoption from outside Orange. In this case, the only KPI are stars and forks numbers. So stars are really important to us.
I' m grateful for curl and libcurl. It's a gem of our stack, a strong and robust tool to build upon. I maintain a project [1] that can't exist without libcurl so a big thanks!
Ok, we've changed to that from https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/hurl. Thanks!
Jetbrains also provides a similar, albeit slightly incompatible syntax for the same thing.
In the end, I think hurl [0] is nicer, because it’s open source and it’s a cli tool (and VS code also has a syntax highlighting plugin for it), making it editor independent.
May I ask why you find it fishy? I’m one of the maintainer of an Open source project with ~2000 stars and 50 issues [1] (some bugs, some questions and a lot of enhancement proposal). I don’t think there is anything strange in these kinds of numbers.