I judge OS projects on github by the presence of donation/sponsor information. If this is missing, the project will eventually die, regardless of how popular it may be. Sure, forks will popup, but would you use semantic ui fork or the original semantic ui?
To all of you out there who host their open source projects on sites like github: please provide ways for your community to help out. PRs are not helpful as if you get 100 PRs in a week, there is no way that you, as a single maintainer can ever evaluate and merge all of them. You will get tired, exhausted and start looking at your project as a second job which pays nothing.
Your project will be used by fortune 500 companies and when you find out about it, you will regret not having opened a gateway for donations.
I want to support projects like semantic ui, but please help me help you. Stop hunting “stars”, as this very article clearly shows how worthless they are (github should remove this feature imho).
I can keep working on it provided there are indicators of adoption from outside Orange. In this case, the only KPI are stars and forks numbers. So stars are really important to us.