What does HackerNews think of server?
☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
Lol, business HN look on the AGPL is truly funny, Because its made to stop people from using the code without contributing, which is exactly what you want to do.
Also the biggest on-prem cloud system Nextcloud is under the AGPL, which has its own commercial company Nextcloud GmbH.
For local network:
I use miniserve ( https://github.com/svenstaro/miniserve ) which is just a simple http server. There are similar tools for when I want to share it from the smartphone.
Through the internet it really varies:
Sometimes it is Firefox send ( https://send.firefox.com/ )
For photos, I use a self hosted photo solution piwigo ( https://github.com/Piwigo/Piwigo )
In earlier days it has been a self hosted nextcloud ( https://github.com/nextcloud/server ) instance. I still use it when the files are getting too large for Firefox send.
I also tried the already mentioned wormhole but this works only with tec ppl.
Most information is stored in of 3 ways
1. Synced to a NextCloud instance running on a VPS.
2. Synced to a home NAS running Syncthing (though I may change this to IPFS at somepoint).
3. Added to Wallabag (A read it later like service)
Notes, List & Project based TodosThese are put into Orgmode which syncs with Owncloud. I can then use the WebDav endpoint to pull the files to add or edit on my phone.
These get added to wallabag then are accessed via an RSS reader.
Personal Documentation
Added with Camscanner, OCRed, and added to NextCloud. At some point I will probably also store these on my NAS, so I can extracted the OCRed text as a text file so I can search them, but currently the collection is to small to justify this.
My NAS handles most of this, and organizes it using Emby. Syncthing is my secondary means for this, and Emby watches the directory to organize this.
Syncthing to add to the server. A headless calibre instance then organizes it.
Most pictures come my from my phone, nextcloud will automatically sync these. If the pictures are part of notes, then instead they go into Orgmode, which works with images as well.
There are a couple of other organizational thing that use Syncthing + Organize, but nothing of major note.
This is not A single cohesive system but several scoped systems with a standardize way to add content to organize (e.g. folders). Searching the content is generally done via plain text searches, or inside of the application that manages that context (see emby & calibri).
1. https://github.com/nextcloud/server
2. https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing
3. https://github.com/tfeldmann/organize
4. https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag
5. https://www.camscanner.com/
6. https://beorgapp.com/
7. https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/server.html
8. https://emby.media/
IRC: https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge/ (Use a lot, and it works decently well)
Cloud: https://github.com/nextcloud/server/ (Works surprisingly well, however, I've heard there are security issues)
Analytics: https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo/ (I'm comparing how much I'd lose out compared to google analytics, if I ever move away from it)
Chat: https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/ (never really use it, just wanted to see how it works)
Git: https://github.com/gogits/gogs (Mostly for mirroring git repos)
Browser IDE: https://icecoder.net/ (I'm able to edit the code for the bots/projects I host from the browser itself)
Calibre library front end: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web
Pastebin: https://github.com/LINKIWI/modern-paste (never use it)
Linkshortener: https://github.com/LINKIWI/linkr (occasional use)
Mail + mailbox + webmail: https://mailcow.email/ (Had to spend a bit more time, but now it is able to deliver mails to gmail/outlook/icloud without issues. I use it as a mailing solution for all the selfhosted projects which need smtp)
Online Markdown editor: https://github.com/joemccann/dillinger (Used quite a few times)
Minecraft server
Music streaming: https://github.com/phanan/koel/ (I'm not a native english speaker, so quite a few songs I listen to aren't on spotify)
Neo4j, mongodb, mysql and postgres: For all database needs.
Server monitoring: https://github.com/firehol/netdata
Photos: https://github.com/Chevereto/Chevereto-Free (I use it quite a lot to host images I'd have used imgur instead)
R Studio server, and Jupyter notebooks: For work/hobby programming
I've had a lot of help from https://selfhosted.libhunt.com/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/
I"ve had to move from one VPS provider to another while testing, so I have a handy guide for setting up quick here: https://github.com/itsmehemant123/basic-vps-setup .
I have a separate guide for hosting each of the above projects behind an nginx with https, but its quite rough right now. So its private.
1: it allows you to only look at those subjects which are of interest, either through the comments or by opening the page link without seeing the comments
2: it somewhat protects you from the effects of the HN echo chamber/popularity contest in that it shows you everything which made it to HN, no matter whether it was directly pushed off the front page due to flagging/downvoting/overactive moderation.
I'm using the Nextcloud [1] News app [2] as a feed reader, there are others but this one works well and handles large volumes without problems.