SugarCRM, CFEngine2/3, Chef, Heroku, grsec, Tripwire, ... there are countless examples in the dustbin of history who ceased giving back, rested on their laurels, and became FOSS-washed commercial ventures who faded into the past.
Docker maybe next given the way they're going.
Provide value at a constant rate to things rather than bait to gain users and switch to exploiting them.
The same could be said for too-good-to-be-true pricing.
If a project needs to lock-up code and service to survive OR large companies use it widely without supporting it monetarily or with fixes, then maybe it shouldn't be open source to begin with?
OTOH, if you don't want anyone to use your software and if you want to stay poor, use a radioactive license like AGPL.
Lol, business HN look on the AGPL is truly funny, Because its made to stop people from using the code without contributing, which is exactly what you want to do.
Also the biggest on-prem cloud system Nextcloud is under the AGPL, which has its own commercial company Nextcloud GmbH.