What does HackerNews think of lovely-forks?

💚 🍴 Show notable forks of GitHub repositories under their names.

Language: JavaScript

>One problem is discoverability. GitHub lists forks in an un-sort-able manner.

This obviously doesn't solve the problem generally, but I recently found an extension called lovely-forks[1], that automatically shows the most starred fork for every github repository.


The post resonates with me as an OSS user and a contributor. Many a brave souls have taken to forking the project to fix the bugs but those forked projects almost always suffer from a discoverability problem. I have tried making fixes and tried forking projects only to discover that someone else has done it better elsewhere.

I've been burned by this problem often enough that I wrote a Chrome extension which would _tell_ me if there are any notable forks of the project I'm currently looking at on GitHub: https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks .

I've been using this extension for a while now which shows similar information inline with the page: https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks

Makes it pretty easy to see at a glance when a project has another fork which is better maintained.

Not exactly what you're asking for, but `lovely-forks` [1] shows you "notable forks of Github repositories under their names", where "notable" is defined by comparing the number of stars.

[1] https://github.com/musically-ut/lovely-forks