What does HackerNews think of emacs-ipython-notebook?

Jupyter notebook client in Emacs

Language: Emacs Lisp

I used https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook at one employer and it works quite well for Jupyter. Of course Org is great but if your coworkers are unfamiliar it's probably a non-starter.
From my perspective when I had to turn ML models from a "real scientist" to something I could use in production, emacs-ipython-notebooks[1] was immensely helpful for me, since it allowed to connect to the jupyter server and edit and copy things from emacs to other code places as if I'm looking at an org mode file.

I see the appeal of Jupyter notebooks for someone testing out things or experimenting, but it's a bit like a brain dump that isn't that trivial to navigate around when a second or third person is involved.

[1] https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook

Yeah! Org babel makes integrating analysis in a transparent way that follows existing org mode workflows / patterns.

There is an important feature Jupyter has that org doesn’t share: collaboration. If everyone I need to collaborate with already uses emacs and org, great—but that’s a pretty big “if,” I and haven’t seen that opportunity in the wild.

On the other hand, jupyter notebooks may have a garbage format (JSON blobs with embedded b64? Ugh!), and the browser-driven UI sucks (IMO, as an ardent emacser), but they’re ubiquitous and the lingua franca for Python data science. Most everyone you meet is familiar with them and can incorporate them into their workflow, and there’s benefit to the direct rendering pipeline to standalone HTML in a conventional format.

There is actually a viable jupyter interface in emacs, EIN [1]. I’ve used it a lot and it works seamlessly, and reduces the pain of using jupyter by letting me edit within emacs. There are also VS Code plugins that enable jupyter development…

Tldr jupyter can be ugly but it’s widespread and that alone makes org mode Babel analysis a nonstarter for collaboration, but at least there are ways to run jupyter within emacs

[1] EIN == Emacs iPython Notebook https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook

If you use vim, you can also try https://github.com/hanschen/vim-ipython-cell . It works quite well

If you use emacs, ein is also a good choice: https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook

its not everyones cup of tea, but, emacs can connect to notebooks: https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook

If I am just poking around I use a Jupiter notebook. If I have to do a lot of prototyping, I use the emacs plugin. So the muscle memory typing works.

I find the whole "notebooks are a revelation!" thing kind of amusing, given that we have had REPLs for a long time. emacs is just a big REPL if you know elisp. But, yeah, ein is great.

Just be careful to use https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook instead of the unmaintained https://github.com/tkf/emacs-ipython-notebook. Somehow the latter comes up as my first search result.
If you connect your code buffer to an jupyter notebook via Emacs IPython Notebook [1] then you can hit C-c C-o (ein:console-open) which will launch a jupyter REPL.

- [1] https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook

Yes Emacs IPython Notebook is alive and kicking [1]. I recently wrote a tool on top of it and found most everything to work, even as I was banging on it pretty hard at times.

- [1] https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook

org-mode + babel is excellent. But again the social aspect necessary for adoption is much less developed than Jupyter (the emacs community is very social, but small).

In that Jupyter files are just json files, I hope that there it will be easier to switch between the two in the future. Like [1], [2], and [3].

[1] https://github.com/gregsexton/ob-ipython

[2] https://github.com/jkitchin/ox-ipynb

[3] https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook

Have you tried "EIN" in Emacs? https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook

I have used it quite productively for a while, but at the moment have mostly moved back to the browser for my notebooks. I can recommend to collect larger functions in a separate source file (for Emacs editing bliss) which you import to the notebook. [import helpers; reload(helpers)]

Have yet to try it myself, but allegedly you can run a Jupiter notebook inside emacs:


Seems the best of both worlds!

Now, is there a elisp notebook (or is it just emacs)?.

Both are for taking notes (therefore the name Jupyter notebook).

Jupyter may already be more featured than org-mode through the kernels it embeds. e.g: SageMath alone is gigantic.

Then, if you don't enjoy the web interface you can use it within emacs if so you prefer.


It's far from perfect, but there is a jupyter notebook "browser" and editor for emacs:


This is really cool and I think over time, Atom is going to become really compelling once their org mode implementation or its moral equivalent gets some legs.

I've used the Jupyter emacs integration (https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook) but in the end, I stuck with org mode.

For an example of what you can do in org mode (in emacs), here is part of a "dashboard" I created for one of my products: https://i.imgur.com/QUFbIBk.png

And an example of how I design: https://i.imgur.com/MeRYn1L.png

You can essentially use org-babel to recreate an approximation to the notebook environment which si cool