A lot of the things in the article are supported.

You can format text and tables via Markdown, add MathJax equations, etc.

Then you can write down code, evaluate it, and it can evaluate to images as well... charts and such.

You can optionally export the resulting document to HTML and share it in static form, or just share a link to the notebook. In addition, github supports Jupyter notebooks.

Both serve a similar purpose, but are not exactly equivalent. I use Org to take notes and write prose. I guess Jupiter could be extended enough to support many features that Org provides...

I guess it boils down to having a hierarchical vs sequential document as the base form, really.

Both are for taking notes (therefore the name Jupyter notebook).

Jupyter may already be more featured than org-mode through the kernels it embeds. e.g: SageMath alone is gigantic.

Then, if you don't enjoy the web interface you can use it within emacs if so you prefer.
