What does HackerNews think of jj?

A Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful

Language: Rust

Git could definitely have a simpler interface, but massively simplifying the mental burden would ultimately involve reducing its power as a tool. A significant part of the appeal is that the power users and the novices can both agree on the same tool and make it work for their needs. There's a huge "aftermarket" of frontends and scripts to simplify the experience in the way you want. Some of them, like jujutsu [0] are basically entirely new VCSs built on top of git (and influenced by mercurial).

I didn't mind mercurial, but I think it's telling that even the tech behemoths championing it like Google and Facebook forked off into their own tools (fig/sapling). The latter even supports git directly. That battle is long over.

[0] https://github.com/martinvonz/jj

You might like https://github.com/martinvonz/jj, which gives an alternative frontend to Git.
As an example of a different frontend, have you tried "jujutso" [1]? Every time I ended seeing a comment about git vs Hg usability I am reminded of it. It uses git in the backend but its workflow/frontend seems streamlined.

  Jujutsu is a Git-compatible DVCS. It combines features from Git (data model, speed), Mercurial (anonymous branching, simple CLI free from "the index", revsets, powerful history-rewriting), and Pijul/Darcs (first-class conflicts), with features not found in most of them (working-copy-as-a-commit, undo functionality, automatic rebase, safe replication via rsync, Dropbox, or distributed file system).
[1] https://github.com/martinvonz/jj
I recently found out about another project called jj: https://github.com/martinvonz/jj. It takes inspiration from Pijul and others but is git-compatible.
> But after looking at other source control options, I find it to be an absolute joy to use -- even for very complex tasks. The VC problem itself is where the complexity lies.

I think mercurial is a lot better and more intuitive.

So does the recent "jj" appear to be: https://github.com/martinvonz/jj

I think maybe both fossil and bitkeeper are more intuitive too.

Did you try any of those?

There's "jj", which started as a Google employee's hobby project but they put him full time on it. Not sure how much G plans to push this, but they are endorsing it at least.


I've been using it myself lately and it's pretty cool. Takes some getting used to, but actually pretty easy to recover from screw ups, unlike git.

Check out https://github.com/martinvonz/jj/. It's highly inspired by Pijul, among VCSes, and uses a git backing store, so you can use it personally and (mostly) seamlessly interact with any git-only team.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around this one, but jj is interesting: https://github.com/martinvonz/jj
You can give https://github.com/martinvonz/jj a try. It works with git repos. Jj is developed, in part, by a few Mercurial developers.
see also, https://github.com/martinvonz/jj which I really have been enjoying wrapping my head around and using. True undo, and no-stage is truly such an amazing experience compared with raw git.
Check out jj, it's made by someone who works on Google's source control


For people who want Git's data model but a better CLI, check out https://github.com/martinvonz/jj. It's a more Mercurial-like CLI but you can use it with existing Git repos. It also includes undo functionality, anonymous branches and other nice features.
> I honestly can't see how git could be easier given the requirments of the tool.

If you're curious how it can be done (IMO), take a look at https://github.com/martinvonz/jj. It's its own VCS but also compatible with Git so individual developers on a team can migrate to it.