Am I the only one who thinks that Git's UX is fine, and maybe even rather enjoyable? It has taken time to learn, and I am by no means a power user, but its model is now in my brain so, for better or worse, it's how I think and work now too (interactive rebasing for the win, all the time, and lots of shell aliases to shorten things). I do wish I had an easier way to split up a commit that accidentally included several unrelated changes though.

What's the lesson, that you can learn anything eventually, or that familiarity means you will lose the ability to accurately evaluate something?

For you to enjoy using this tool you had to change the model your brain use, and you call that good UX? And using aliases means that your git is now different from you co-workers git. And when teaching the new guys you throw all these aliases at them that they have no idea what is or how work?

Is it really so hard to imagine a tool that takes some thought to use?

I didn't know how to use a welder just by looking at it, but the UX is fine once you know the concepts behind welding.

I honestly can't see how git could be easier given the requirments of the tool. If you want to reduce its capabilities because it's too hard then go ahead, but please fork it or make something new instead of ruining a perfectly good developer tool.

I do find the division between git seems to be really concise. Either people don't get what the fuss is about or they think git is just the worst.

> I honestly can't see how git could be easier given the requirments of the tool.

If you're curious how it can be done (IMO), take a look at It's its own VCS but also compatible with Git so individual developers on a team can migrate to it.