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A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Desktop app download link: https://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases, roadmap: https://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap

Language: Clojure

#3 in Clojure
#1 in Markdown
Logseq is a very nice Org app for your phone as well.


Just a few additional comments from our last exchange, based on https://project-mage.org/elevator. I prefer this elevator pitch because it gives some insight on how to proceed, beyond the stylistic choices. (If not a rant, it's a mixed bag of all I could think about the subject, since I never really exchanged about these ideas, so I'm interested in your thoughts as well.)

The example of splitting "Hello world" into a list of words is a pretty bad example; structure as in list of words is something that text editors manage well (delete word, inner, etc). It contrasts with syntactic information that gives you structure that expands the range of what your editor can do. If you know something is a noun, you can give only a list of nouns to replace them, and any replace would be able to ignore any verb that is written the same way (I'm not sure what IDE that does scoped replace manages variables shadowing correctly, but this is something you should be able to do with structure).

The idea of recursive, specialized micro-editors sounds like a real good idea. There should also probably be a way to specify that something is an encoding of a structure. For example, escaped shell commands, or SQL written as strings (not everything has DSLs, and even then it would still be useful). Ironically the delta diff program would correctly highlight syntax of SQL strings because it only analyzes the text, as opposed to most IDEs. There is also some prior art in the field, which reminds me of [0].

I'm currently working on knowledge management, which I think you have to split in different subfields; there's a great deal of overlap with project and document management, yet these would be mainly distinct workflows. I think logseq [1] and org-roam [2] tick all boxes for knowledge management, strictly speaking, but other tools are needed nonetheless. (digression: If you split it into plenty of different subsystems with another query system on top of it, you might just call your knowledge management a computer and the shell that querying tool. The issue you might have is that every program has its own API, so interfacing requires a custom facade, unless you directly write/eval shell commands.)

There was another idea between code editing and knowledge management, called literate programming, which had a fairly high profile advocate (Donald Knuth). The idea would be to explain the code in the way that made sense for humans, and have the system (something in between the text and compiler, if not the compiler itself) assemble these blocks in 'computer order' for execution. He explicitly said that literate programming is not 'documented code', which is what people usually understand by it, but does not represent any paradigm shift. There's the Leo editor [3] that took some ideas from it, but I think it's also something that never really took off.

Again, good luck etc.

[0] https://tratt.net/laurie/blog/2014/an_editor_for_composed_pr...

[1] https://github.com/logseq/logseq

[2] https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam-ui

[3] https://leo-editor.github.io/leo-editor/

Reddit and Twitter are mostly for tech-focused nerds? Hahahaha, ah. Thanks for the laugh. Reddit and Twitter are outrage machines. I'm sure there are some good subreddits out there but all of the ones I used to be a part of got taken over by mods who care far too much about the Current Thing To Get Upset About (take your pick). If there are any recommendations for good subs I'm all ears. Can't convince me about Twitter though, it's an absolute cesspit and it has been for a long time.

For information hoarding I use logseq (https://github.com/logseq/logseq) + syncthing (https://syncthing.net/). I've been doing it for a few months now and it's quite a nice workflow.

It wouldn't take much work to make filter lists first-class citizens in Logseq, if you want to try hacking it in: https://github.com/logseq/logseq

It would be a good feature to have, and it's better than starting from scratch.

> I desperately want to be able to hand write notes sometimes, type them sometimes, have them all in one place, and have that place be a stream of consciousness and searchable.

Logseq doesn't currently have saveable filter lists, but you can create pages with any title which will still collect and display direct and indirect references to that title/tag. This gets you 80% of the way there already, if you get used to the workflow.

Logseq multi-device sync is now in beta, as well.

> I am looking for useful projects that do something useful for users who can't give a damn what language the project is written in.

the note taking app I use is a fairly popular clojurescript project, first thing that came to mind. https://github.com/logseq/logseq

In general Clojure is pretty popular in particular on the backend. Nubank is I think primarily using Clojure, but Walmart, Atlassian and a bunch of other big companies do to.

There is also Logseq [0][1], which provides excalidraw[2] support out of the box.

[0]: https://logseq.com/

[1]: https://github.com/logseq/logseq

[2]: https://docs.logseq.com/#/page/draw

My rule of thumb when someone says "Language X is dying" is to move on. I don't even use Clojure, and I can immediately come up with https://github.com/logseq/logseq and https://github.com/athensresearch/athens as funded companies making popular new products with Clojure.
Logseq -- remote -- Full Time -- Designer who can code!

https://logseq.com/ | https://github.com/logseq/logseq | https://twitter.com/logseq

* Logseq exists to increase the knowledge output of humanity.

We're building a better environment for learning and collaboration. We're currently building a neuron inspired knowledge base/personal knowledge assistant that captures, synthesizes, searches, and creates knowledge as fast as you think–a digital extension of your brain. We don't think in pages and folders, but today's tools do. It's slowing us down. Logseq gets you to answers and smarter decisions faster.

* A Leader in the Tools for Thought space

We're a leader in the Tools for Thought space (with a unique focus on privacy and data ownership)––delivering on the pioneering work of Douglas Englebart, Alan Kay, Bret Victor, Vannevar Bush, and more. We're continuing the mission of augmenting human intellect and collective intelligence with computers, discovering novel UI + HCI and superpowers to do so :) More on our mission here: https://adventurous-ragdoll-1e0.notion.site/Who-is-Logseq-2c...

* Ownership and Autonomy

As Logseq's first designer, you will immediately have substantial ownership of the feel and functionality of the product. We're building a new way to think, which requires considerable tradeoff consideration and thoughtful user driven design. You will own our first design systems, early design processes, foundational product decisions and more. We're aiming to build a new knowledge tool for billions of people to change the world: empathy, systems thinking, intense level of polish are prerequisite.

If you're passionate about Tools for Thought or making humanity smarter, would love to hear from you!

Check out our posting here: https://adventurous-ragdoll-1e0.notion.site/Senior-Product-D... Or reach out to me at [email protected]

logseq (https://github.com/logseq/logseq) has all features of roam plus

- it's free - markdown (or orgmode) based local first - open source - PDF annotator (fantastic for scientific papers) - Built in spaced repetition - very fast

Can highly recommend it

My problem with Electron apps is that they don't seem to support window decorations under Wayland on Linux. I'm trying Logseq (https://github.com/logseq/logseq ) right now, and like any Electron app on Wayland, you have to start it via "Logseq --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland" but that still doesn't give you window decorations (like titlebar, minimize button, etc)
You can use LogSeq[1] if you'd like to continue with org-roam. It supports both Markdown and org-roam, stores data locally, and has a good community as well. It is still in beta though.

[1] https://github.com/logseq/logseq

Logseq https://github.com/logseq/logseq is also a good OSS alternative and they're also working on collaborative feature I believe.
I wasn't aware of Athens, thanks! There's also Logseq: https://github.com/logseq/logseq and a few others, but I forgot their names.
If you need something mature, [tiddlywiki](https://lesser.occult.institute/an-opinionated-approach-to-t...). If you're open to something real new (and like that shiny interface), [Logseq looks really good](https://github.com/logseq/logseq)