I just downloaded deb and was a bit worried that it has 60MB, quick check on forums and it us unfortunately Electron :(

Oh well, back to vim and cd.

Always fun to see these original comments in a HN thread. If you write this on Twitter you can get hundreds of retweets, hurry before someone else writes the tweet!

Jokes aside, Obsidian being a Electron application is not a issue. The app starts in under 3 seconds for me, barely uses any RAM and CPU usage remains stable and low.

If you want to actually contribute anything to this thread, feel free to give feedback on specific issues you find, that it's using too much CPU or whatever. But as it stands, you're not really adding much here.

My problem with Electron apps is that they don't seem to support window decorations under Wayland on Linux. I'm trying Logseq (https://github.com/logseq/logseq ) right now, and like any Electron app on Wayland, you have to start it via "Logseq --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland" but that still doesn't give you window decorations (like titlebar, minimize button, etc)