What does HackerNews think of arcan?

Arcan - [Display Server, Multimedia Framework, Game Engine] -> "Desktop Engine"

Language: C

#28 in C
#2 in Game engine
#61 in Linux
#6 in Lua
This is actually a small proof of concept for the much larger project that is Arcan or Arcan-fe. Did a fair amount of research into it. Its philosophy is to move away from the traditional desktop experience and create fundamentally unique, new interfaces. More on its founding principles can be found on this site: https://www.divergent-desktop.org/blog/2020/08/10/principles.... The core of Arcan is written in C with a little Lua and takes inspiration from game engines, display servers, and streaming multimedia processors. It combines similar functionality of these traditionally seperate low level graphics to create an all-in-one graphical display engine. According to this slideshow (https://speakerdeck.com/letoram/arcan), the "last mile" for making any gui/tui can be as little as simple scripts. Writing scripts(mostly lua as of right now) can get you a tiling wm, audio/video playback, a libretro-based emulator running a game, and as this post shows a dynamic new command line shell. An interesting project overall to keep an eye on. Can see it used as another modern alternative to the aging X/X11/Xorg on GNU+Linux and BSDs.

Useful links related to Arcan: Website(https://arcan-fe.com/), Creator's Github (https://github.com/letoram), Arcan's Github Repo(https://github.com/letoram/arcan), Creator's youtube channel (https://redirect.invidious.io/user/arcanfrontend).

I recently came to know about Arcan which is the alternative to both Wayland and Xorg .


There's Arcan: https://github.com/letoram/arcan . In the words of the developer, it is a "multimedia engine" (a combination of display server, game engine and multimedia framework).

It is an interesting project and the YouTube presentation is pretty convincing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=07nqZIFRDJg

A great example of what a motivated and disciplined developer can achieve.

You could try to transition to the sway wayland compositor (which is largely compatible with i3wm) or maybe to https://github.com/letoram/arcan which is a lot more programmable than sway