What does HackerNews think of leptos?

Build fast web applications with Rust.

Language: Rust

#79 in Rust
I think WASM will win. I've been using JavaScript for 25+ years, and I just wrote a SPA using Rust/WASM using the Leptos framework: https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos, and now I don't want to go back to JavaScript. Cargo is a superior package manager, with Cargo I might actually be able to let me my project sit for a year or two and go back and build to a working runtime without having to do a lot of dependency updates (good luck doing that with NPM). Rust has a solid type system, and with the borrow checker along with pattern exhaustive matching I can write something that I know is solid and will be difficult to break. There is no need to have multiple stages build pipeline running through Babel and Webpack which need to be properly configured; simply compile Rust to the WASM target and that is it. The WASM bundle is also likely to be smaller than a corresponding JavaScript bundle. Additionally, with Rust it is easier to do low-level stuff in the client efficiently such as feature extraction from image binaries. Also, the application I wrote with WASM is faster than a similar app I wrote in React, although I attribute that mostly to the fact that Leptos does not use a virtual DOM as React does.
For this there's Leptos and a half dozen other "DOM in Rust" frontend frameworks:


These are already orders of magnitude faster than React, and as the WASM<->DOM bridge improves, they will only get faster.






In about 3-5 years these frameworks will start to consolidate and reach maturity.

It's already possible to build reactive isomorphic apps in Rust.

If you haven't checked out Actix/Axum, it feels a lot like Python/Flask. The ecosystem is coming along quickly.

This video is from Greg Johnston, creator of the Rust framework "Leptos." [0]

[0] https://github.com/leptos-rs/leptos