Obligatory jaw-dropping egui demo:


Egui slaps and is clearly going places.

egui is nice for internal tools, and for quickly creating UIs for games and such, but I don't think I'd ever release a consumer-facing app with it. It has too many quirks compared to a more "native" UI that it can be quite awkward to use interfaces made with it. I'm talking about things like inertial scrolling, text selection, window resizing, etc.

It's certainly nice to work with from a developer's perspective, what could be easier than

    if ui.button("Say hello").clicked() {

But it's quite a pain to style if you're particular about typography and pixel-perfect layouts. Between styling an egui app and styling something with CSS (or some flexbox/grid system), I'll take CSS every time.

Still looking forward to how Xilem turns out, and what people build on top of that.

For this there's Leptos and a half dozen other "DOM in Rust" frontend frameworks:


These are already orders of magnitude faster than React, and as the WASM<->DOM bridge improves, they will only get faster.






In about 3-5 years these frameworks will start to consolidate and reach maturity.

It's already possible to build reactive isomorphic apps in Rust.

If you haven't checked out Actix/Axum, it feels a lot like Python/Flask. The ecosystem is coming along quickly.